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By kayfriso
#176011 Hello everyone,

Im kayfriso!

I have purhcased minecraft today and set up the pixelmon server.
Everything is running smooth (ish, but thats my computers fault ) until I enter the server....... I get the blue screen which says "this is a fan-made Mod. All trademarks and copyright for Pokémon are owned by Nintendo and Gamefreak Inc.
support Nintendo'Gamefreak by buying Pokémon X/Y. and thats all that happens... but when i swithh to the minecraft output everything is running smoothly and i can see the chat aswell.... but in my minecraft nothing is hapening besides the blue screen...

what can i do about it ? i am really exited to play pixelmon but i havent been able yet .

please HALP !

Thanks in advance !

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By harrymanhire
#176027 That blue screen is where you pick your starter pokemon just wait for it or click then the pokemon should be there and why are you starting Minecraft with mods mojang didn't make the game so you can start with mods also can over people join your server? Or is it only for you and your friends to play on?