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By NGlounge
#175407 I have bought minecraft,installed the latest version of java, gotten just about every version of forge(for all the different mods I've tried), and yes i did one mod at a time in case one didn't like the other.
Once the mod downloads i move it to the mod folder in .minecraft, load up the game use the appropriate forge switched ram to 4G. Then either the game starts loading and crashes for certain mods ie pixelmon, crazycraft ect. or the game loads for the mod not to be in mod list.
I've tried voidlauncher,FTB,Pixelmon launcher none of them work at all. So far the only thing to work was curse and i tried a few mods they were fine. Someone please help me with this issue cause i have no idea anymore. I can post crash report if needed. If i cant get this solved ill just have to give up. :-( :cry:

So sorry for long post i'm just irritated with how long i've been trying to fix this..