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By SnowBlitzz
#174388 to disable nether and the end.

for firespread to /gamerule doFireTick false

for tnt you'll need a plugin for it.

and oh, aren't you the guy who went to random servers cussing people out for no reason? :party: :party:
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By TheHimayLegend
#174405 hehe xD
It was like two servers only and one of them because he wouldnt trade me my starter pokemon, so if he was gonna be like that I was gonna be like that too. And the other one I don't remember. But I had good reasons. Thanks btw.
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By SnowBlitzz
#174427 Those aren't good reasons. None of them whatever they are, are good reasons to be an ass fyi. There are proper ways to handle situations. but hey it's your life, I'm in no position to lecture you. At least you know what you're doing.