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By Jimby
#173340 Hi All,

After being told that Pixelmon 1.7.10 servers are not being fixed (missing pokes from pokedex etc), I decided to try the 4.x.x servers.

The only problem being ... no matter what version I try, they all show the same message when picking which server to join (Can't connect to server.) with a lovely little red cross over the ping.

Being the stubborn soul that I am, I have even tried to connect anyway ... yeah, that got me as far as :- Connection refused: no further information:

Am I missing something here ?
I would like to at least try the updated version and would prefer to stay with RC.

Many Thanks

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By MoeBoy76
#173341 if you are only attempting to connect to then that's cos it is currently offline and will be until needed for testing
By Jimby
#173342 Hi MoeBoy76,

Thank you for the response, is there another server address I can try by any chance ?
By Jimby
#173355 ok, so I found ...

But I Still can't gain access as I'm not whitelisted.

Any clues on getting whitelisted please ? :bored: