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By mesmerrow
#173023 I had some bad experiences with Pixelmon servers, where people was mistreated and the admins/moderators where straight out doing what pleased them (followed no rules) and worst of all, was too young to handle a Pixelmon server.
That lead to friends of said admins/moderators receiving special treatment in the form of items or legendaries for no apparent reason, or no punishment for breaking rules.

I later on found a Pixelmon server named MorningSun, it was however shutdown a few months later (for reasons unknown to me) that was perhaps my first dive into a decent Pixelmon server, and that was only archived by asking the very same question i am asking now.

I seek to join a decent Pixelmon server.

*Mature Admins/Moderators
*No fraud or corrupt staff
*rules, rules, rules, everyone follows them
*and of course anti cheat (one way or another)

So if you happen to know a Pixelmon server that fulfils the above requests, let me know.

Thanks for reading.

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By Dundi
#173026 Pixeldex is a nice server. :) Good staff and a friendly community. Events and there's a sale at the store for 20% so it's pretty good :) it also offers a starter kit when you sign up to the website and buy it free at the store! (No information required.)
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By Dundi
#173027 Also a lot of gym badges :) so it's basically like a journey. Also can I say that theres ranks?
These are the ranks:
Pro Trainer = Collect 4 level 50s, 2 shiny pokemon, and 1 gym badge for a total of 6 pokemon
Elite Trainer = Collect 5 level 75s along with 4 shiny pokemon and 4 gym badges for a total of 9 pokemon
Master = Collect 10 level 100s, 8 shiny pokemon, and have any 6 legendary pokemon along with all 8 gym badges for a total of 24 pokemon
When you get these ranks you get points which you can spend at the store :) you can buy shiny conversions, size conversions, shiny legends etc. So this is a pretty nice server!
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By Jephon
#173036 Mes!

MorningSun was shut down to several issues internally and externally that couldn't have been helped.

The most of the staff from Morningsun came back to our original project that we had split from called NightShade and are now all on it.

Same setup as on MorningSun. Our topic on here is: viewtopic.php?f=125&t=20785

Lemme know if you have any questions! You can also chat with the staff and playerbase before joining if you would like by joining our discord channel: