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By Bronain
#172520 I am trying to host a server for the first time and everything seems to be working perfectly. The one issue I have been having is major FPS drops in towns. I fought through the lag and I found that many trainers were spawning in the town in the exact same spot. Could this be a problem with one of my server settings? If so how can I fix it?

By Bronain
#172521 I saw the setting in the config for NPC rarity and that number was originally set to 50. I lowered the number to 25 and the problem does not appear to be solved
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By MoeBoy76
#172562 the issue seems to be that when a Village is generated by Sponge they attempt to spawn the Villagers which breaks the spawning of ChattingNPCs, loading without Sponge and it works fine even after adding Sponge again