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By sahjinx
#170861 I want to make a modpack for my friends to play and maybe leave it public to make some new friends but I noticed the preloader only goes up to version 4.1.1 - is there any chance that you can change this preloader to have a configuration file to allow us to pick the version it tells the player to download instead of having one for each version?

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By JamieS1211
#170864 You can use the pixelmon launcher to make a pixpack (essentially a modpack) and won't need the pre-loader but it is not Mac compatible.
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By Isi
#170865 I would recommend updating your Pixelmon launcher - It'll now install a beta launcher alongside with an intro of the new pixpack system.
By sahjinx
#170875 Is there any way to do this on technic? A few of my friends (college kids) and fiancée has a Mac. Not only do I not know how to use macs, they say they can't use the pixelmon launcher

We use to play back on 1.7.10 but kinda got bored as we all hit end game, so I want to make a challenge server and give everyone a set time to train and catch pokemon then have a tournament. Everyone is chipping in to buy the winner pizza