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By Febilian
MrMasochism wrote:rarity numbers get added together and then the chance of getting that structure is it's rarity/total rarity

So... if you just, for example, changed all rarity values to 40, it would essentially be the same as default(since by default they're all the same number at 20)? Because the ratio would stay the same? Or am I misunderstanding?
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By JamieS1211
#169169 (The rarity of one) / (sum of rarity of all)

Hence if you have 3 objects, a b and c and you were to double them all (so 20 to 40) the maths would come out 2a/(2a+2b+2c) =2a/(2(a+b+c)) = 2/2 x a/(a+b+c) = a/(a+b+c)

so in short yes if you double all then you will have no effect. This will be the same as multiplying all by the same constant where doubling the constant is 2. Addition becomes more interesting because adding 1 to 1 is equivalent to multiplying by 2 however adding 1 to 100 is equivalent to multiplying by 1.01 hence if not all values are the same however the same addition was applied to all values the fraction would be altered.