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By DaleMahalko
#167692 Can the modpack authors please detail what exactly the "Pixelmon Launcher for Windows - 1.1.54" is doing, so that I know why you want Administrative privileges to my computer to install this modpack?

After clicking the primary modpack download button and being hit with a fake "Update your Chrome!" crapware download page, followed by a "Update your Java plugin!" crapware download page, I am really getting the hackles up regarding your custom "Ikara Pixelmon launcher".

I have a special place where I put all games, C:\Games which is set with NTFS permissions:
Users - Full Control

So Administrative privileges are not required to install games here. I provided that to the launcher:
C:\Games\MC\PixelMon\Ikara Launcher\

And yet the launcher STILL demands Admin elevation to install. I declined.

Sorry, but after those malicious advertisements, I don't trust your installer to not also install unwanted junk on my system. What exactly does it want to do while installing this modpack?

By mcstreet
#167695 Seriously almost everything that u run requires permission
I think because it needs to make folders and run a program using things

My guess
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By Some Body
#167697 If you don't trust the Pixelmon launcher, you can install Pixelmon on the normal Minecraft launcher like other Forge mods.
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By nguyenquyhy
#167700 Totally agree that just don't use the launcher if you don't trust it.

And here is some details if someone is curious. The launcher asks for admin privilege when it tries to help people to install some missing components such as .NET framework (so that it won't just crash). It also writes some keys in the registry, so that it knows the current version and tells you about updates. It also adds some other keys, so that later on when you download Pixpack file from server, you just need to double click the file and the launcher shows up automagically.

And since you are playing games from the Internet, you should start to learn how to distinguish crap links from ads and real links from people who providing you stuffs.