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By Grmpixelmon
#166950 I just noticed that the command (pokespawnon) to spawn a pokemon on top of a player was removed on pixelmonextras 1.20,
Is there any other way to use this command?

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By MoeBoy76
#166958 do you mean that the version written from scratch doesn't have exactly the same commands?
/pspawn should be able to spawn a Pixelmon where a player is
By Grmpixelmon
#166968 pspawn is a different command than pokespawnon
Pokespawnon would spawn a pokemon on top of a player while pspawn uses coords.
I'll just accept that the command has been removed but you should really think about readding it to the 1.8 versions, because you could use it in very creative ways
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By MoeBoy76
Grmpixelmon wrote:I'll just accept that the command has been removed but you should really think about readding it

you mean re-code it? cos it wasn't coded in the remake, which i stated above and i don't see the need since /pspawn can already do it, i may add the functionality to the command but not a separate command