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By mcstreet
#166834 I have been trying to always use the latest versions of pixelmon I recently downloaded the update for the fix for the camera but when I take a photo my game just crashes. Help!!

I can barely look around in minecraft from how laggy my game is
It is highly annoying do you have any suggestions to fix this

My normal minecraft works just fine but when I add pixelmon it hates it... I play minecraft usually with 32 mods and even with me recording in lags no where near as much... And I just want to play pixelmon on my own I have tried installing optified many times I have tried it without optifine and it makes no difference plz help I really want to play pixelmon again

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By MrMasochism
#166835 you have to add extra ram to your java instance to run pixelmon smoothly. Pixelmon is bigger than those 32 mods you talk about combined and runs nicely on 2gb of ram. By default minecraft is only set to 1 gb