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By UTFHungry11
#166153 These guys came onto my server that was doing very well for its self coming out of the gate, however at being at a constant rate of players I noticed a sudden drop and decline in activity. After looking around, I found 3 of this server's top staff member had been on my server before my slight decline, and all the players who vanished were now on there, I even caught wind from a player on my server that in chat one of their staff members was annoying one of my players to join their server. They even applied to be staff on my server not even mentioning the server they are already part of...

The recruiters:

Anyways, wanted to get this out there because people like this ruin the community and made it as toxic it is today.

Have a great day, UTFHungry11 <3

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By CritsAreFair
#166209 I'm certainly no staff but I feel that if you're going to accuse people like this you should probably include some logs or screenshots that prove what you're accusing them of is true.

I'm not saying I don't believe you, I just feel like naming and shaming people without any proof is never a good idea.