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By jaybird13
#165071 Hey there :)

Pokemon was invented when I was literally in kindergarten and I've grown up loving it! I only have ever played it on Game Boy color though and am curious about this whole Pixelmon thing. That being said, I have never played Minecraft before or any kind of game system besides my Game Boy. My boyfriend and I just got a Ps4.

1. If I buy Minecraft for Ps4 can I download Pixelmon on to it?
2. Is there a Pixelmon with only the original pokemon? I'm not a fan of all these new ones.
3. Is it like the original games where you travel around, get badges etc. and is it a public game or private game?
4. Which program should I download?

I'm not tech savvy. I can design vaccines and diagnose you but computers make my head spin, so if you could put this in novice terms I would appreciate it.


By JeanMarc1
#165072 1. Nope. Only works on the PC version
2. No, but you can change the configuration file to make pixelmon from generations other than 1 to not spawn.
3.There are public servers and it can be played in single player. Singleplayer is pretty much trying to gather resources and build while levelling your pokemon. Multiplayer is usually that plus gyms. In general, the battle system is the same as the games, but the general gameplay isn't exactly like normal Minecraft or Pokemon.
4. I'd recommend installing the pixelmon launcher from the site's downloads page.
By jaybird13
#165111 Thanks for the help!
A couple more questions..... So I have a pretty generic laptop that I think is like 5 years old.... I'm assuming that's the lowest level system or is it a mid? And can I play Pixelmon on this or would it just kinda suck?
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By Isi
#165112 Look up your control panel and find System Properties. See how much RAM you're rolling with. More than 2gb and you'll be fine.
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By AcedDunsparce
#165186 1. Sadly, no.
2. By jumping into the config, you can set the spawn rate of Pokemon generation 2-5 to be unable to spawn.
3. Depends. Several people on YouTube have made RolePlays about them going areound collecting badges, so you could download one of their maps. Although, in regular play, no. You journey around trying to catch them all!
4. Errm, whichever one is recommended on the downloads page, such as 4.1.1 at the moment.

As several people above me had said, it depends on your specs, although, a 5 year old graphics card might need a replacement for better gameplay.