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By rockzyk
#165035 I was just wondering if there was a command to fill the souls in the orbs? I screwed up an attempt at Zapdos, and I really don't want to have to waste my time with the souls again. Thank you!

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By Some Body
#165036 The souls are kept track of with damage values. The vanilla /give is sufficient to obtain a full orb.
By rockzyk
#165176 How do I do that? I was trying "/give rockzyk x" where x was certain numbers I was finding online, but none of them were working. What do I type in to give myself?
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By AcedDunsparce
#165185 As far as I'm concerned, there is no command to have a orb and you fill it, although, I think with a command and giving yourself an orb with a specific NBT Tag, you could be able to.
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By Some Body
#165187 Orbs have no NBT tags associated with them. It's the damage value that decides how full it is.
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By Jay113355
#165207 /give <username> <item> <ammount> <data>
/give <username> pixelmon:item.Uno_Orb 1 375
/give <username> pixelmon:item.Dos_Orb 1 375
/give <username> pixelmon:item.Tres_Orb 1 375