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By Shadowshinra
#164900 We're using the 1.7.10 version because our server is 1.7.10 since 1.8 still doesn't have enough stable plugins yet, or are you saying there is a new version of the legacy Extras coming out soon? One of the nodes we're looking for is for /teach which became a normal command in pixelmon in later pmon
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By MoeBoy76
#164910 i recently backported the latest version of PE to 1.7.10, /endbattle and /teach or /learnmove were removed since they are Pixelmon commands in 3.5 and 4.0.X+, which means you need to read the Pixelmon commands page (which i just updated the permissions section of)
By Shadowshinra
MoeBoy76 wrote:i recently backported the latest version of PE to 1.7.10, /endbattle and /teach or /learnmove were removed since they are Pixelmon commands in 3.5 and 4.0.X+, which means you need to read the Pixelmon commands page (which i just updated the permissions section of)

Ah I see, thanks for the wiki update, haven't tested the perm yet but I'll assume it will work, in the mean time, the server owner when attempting to use /teach herself on my own poke, she got
(ignore her typo of my name lol) Any idea what could cause this?