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By MetalSpartan659
#164805 Ok so I recently made a server with pixelmon 4.1.0 and I got on and it was lagging horribly I was getting like 3fps, I also tried going into single player but it wouldn't load, it just got stuck at generating terrain or world or what ever it says. I have a bomb ass computer it's got a GTX 970 and it can basically run any other game perfectly. So once I noticed I was basically unable to run it... I tried getting the pixelmon launcher and getting on my server with that, and that worked much better I was able to get between 20-50 fps. However that is still very low fps for what my computer averages. So why is it pixelmon 4.1.0 is horribly laggy? Is it like that for anyone else? Is there somehow any fix for it? Please let me know, thanks.

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By MoeBoy76
#164806 When making optimisations for 1.8 Mojang also increased the RAM usage required to run Minecraft smoothly, you can easily increase the RAM you use by using the slider in settings on the Pixelmon launcher, i recommend 2-4GB depending on how much RAM you have free when you play Pixelmon
By MetalSpartan659
MoeBoy76 wrote:When making optimisations for 1.8 Mojang also increased the RAM usage required to run Minecraft smoothly, you can easily increase the RAM you use by using the slider in settings on the Pixelmon launcher, i recommend 2-4GB depending on how much RAM you have free when you play Pixelmon

What about not using the launcher? Anything to do about the lag when just using forge and the mod. The 3.5.1 and 4.1.0 are only about 50kb different from each other, how is there so much more lag though, I mean I can run 3.5.1 with a locked 60fps and run it on my server lag free, but 4.1.0 just destroys any FPS I ever hope to have. XD
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By MoeBoy76
#164809 Most launchers have a JVM (or Java) arguments options in which you set -Xmx2G to allocate 2GB of RAM
Minecraft versions before 1.8 only required ~300MB of RAM to run vanilla, 1.8+ requires ~600MB+, which means that to play Pixelmon you need to allocate at least 1GB of RAM to play at all
i personally allocate 2GB in my dev environment and 3GB on my client when i am playing on beta1 and my FPS is usually 58-60 (set to 60FPS max) and almost never drops below 40FPS
By MetalSpartan659
MoeBoy76 wrote:Most launchers have a JVM (or Java) arguments options in which you set -Xmx2G to allocate 2GB of RAM
Minecraft versions before 1.8 only required ~300MB of RAM to run vanilla, 1.8+ requires ~600MB+, which means that to play Pixelmon you need to allocate at least 1GB of RAM to play at all
i personally allocate 2GB in my dev environment and 3GB on my client when i am playing on beta1 and my FPS is usually 58-60 (set to 60FPS max) and almost never drops below 40FPS

Ok so how exactly would I change it in the launcher to allocate 1-2gb of ram?
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By AcedDunsparce
#164956 Try allocating more ram to your Minecraft Launcher. This will allow for you computer to direct more of it's root power to Minecraft, giving you a less-laggy experience. For example, I have a 16GB laptop (which doesn't lag, but just for criteria). I would let 8GB be directed towards Minecraft. Of course, it seems that at 6-8GB depending on your Graphics Card, Pixelmon 1.8 stops lagging. So if you have less then this, it is to be expected.

You can learn more about this here ... -minecraft

-Hope I helped, Skeley