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By DracG2
#164386 hey all, this is probably gonna sound stupid to some or most of you, but I'm new to pixelmon server hosting so I'm gonna have to ask, do you have to have animal spawns on for pixelmon to spawn? I'm under the impression you do but animals spawn too, so if you do, is there a way to stop regular minecraft animals spawning aswell as pixelmon?

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By MoeBoy76
#164388 by default Pixelmon removes all Vanilla spawning but Pixelmon are in the "animal" category (as opposed to neutral or monsters) so you do need it on. In the case that you have animals spawning it probably means that the world was created without Pixelmon being present
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By DracG2
#164389 there was pixelmon mixed in with animals

hang on i know what you meant, you meant the mod not the pixelmon themselves lol, that might fix it, I'll try it

deleted the world and made a new 1 with the mod in the mods folder and only pixelmon spawned, thanks for your help.