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By bhoqure
#164153 Ok so I'm changing the config to the spawn of psyduck side mod, but the problem is every time i change it and reload it, the next time i check to see if it is working by /sop check abra, it doesnt work it just says error. I do not know where the code of line i went wrong in switching. All i did was delete the other biomes besides 4 which is forest and nothing else was changed.

Code: Select all[21:35:41] [Server thread/INFO]: An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command
[21:35:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Couldn't process command: 'sop check abra'
   at com.pqqqqq.spawnofpsyduck.commands.MainCommand.func_71515_b( ~[MainCommand.class:?]
   at net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler.func_175786_a( [ab.class:?]
   at net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler.func_71556_a( [ab.class:?]
   at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71333_ah( [po.class:?]
   at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( [po.class:?]
   at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
   at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
   at [?:1.8.0_65]

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By bhoqure
#164154 An update on everything again after trying to change things...

I reloaded an entirely new config for the side mod. I changed 1 thing which was abras rarity in dawn and dusk to 2.0 and i go to reload and then try the check command and it errors with the above code.

in the config i did notice it had the Biomes o plenty added in the config. The thing is though I'm not running biomes o plant. would that have an effect on the config?
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By bhoqure
#164156 Ok i didn't know what it should be since it was a side mod. and the version is the 1.8 version

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By MoeBoy76
#164159 oh yeah, i was in the middle of fixing biome stuff, i'll finish it and see if i can fix this while i am at it
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By bhoqure
#164160 Alright, in the next update will we be able to change everything?
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By Freizeitpark
#164367 I also can not change anything, because there is nothing to change at all :-/
The new spawnofpsy.cfg lists all the biomes but the section where the pixelmon where listed is empty
# Configuration file

# *info*
# Rarity: The base rarity of the pixelmon, the lower the rarity the less common the pixelmon.
# Biome ids: Ocean(0), Plains(1), Desert(2), Extreme Hills(3), Forest(4), Taiga(5), Swampland(6), River(7), Hell(8), The End(9), FrozenOcean(10), FrozenRiver(11), Ice Plains(12), Ice Mountains(13), MushroomIsland(14), MushroomIslandShore(15), Beach(16), DesertHills(17), ForestHills(18), TaigaHills(19), Extreme Hills Edge(20), Jungle(21), JungleHills(22), JungleEdge(23), Deep Ocean(24), Stone Beach(25), Cold Beach(26), Birch Forest(27), Birch Forest Hills(28), Roofed Forest(29), Cold Taiga(30), Cold Taiga Hills(31), Mega Taiga(32), Mega Taiga Hills(33), Extreme Hills+(34), Savanna(35), Savanna Plateau(36), Mesa(37), Mesa Plateau F(38), Mesa Plateau(39), Alps(40), Arctic(41), Bamboo Forest(42), Bayou(43), Bog(44), Boreal Forest(45), Brushland(46), Canyon(47), Chaparral(48), Cherry Blossom Grove(49), Cold Desert(50), Coniferous Forest(51), Crag(52), Dense Forest(53), Flower Field(54), Frozen Desert(55), Grassland(56), Heathland(57), Highland(58), Jade Cliffs(59), Lavender Fields(60), Marsh(61), Moor(62), Mountain(63), Origin Valley(64), Outback(65), Shrubland(66), Steppe(67), Thicket(68), Tundra(69), Woodland(70), Mountain Foothills(71), Canyon Ravine(72), Glacier(73), Sunflower Plains(129), Desert M(130), Extreme Hills M(131), Flower Forest(132), Taiga M(133), Swampland M(134), Ice Plains Spikes(140), Jungle M(149), JungleEdge M(151), Birch Forest M(155), Birch Forest Hills M(156), Roofed Forest M(157), Cold Taiga M(158), Mega Spruce Taiga(160), Redwood Taiga Hills M(161), Extreme Hills+ M(162), Savanna M(163), Savanna Plateau M(164), Mesa (Bryce)(165), Mesa Plateau F M(166), Mesa Plateau M(167)
# Day Spawn Modifier: The number to multiply the base rarity by to produce a modified rarity for day
# Dusk/Dawn Spawn Modifier: The number to multiply the base rarity by to produce a modified rarity for dusk and dawn
# Night Spawn Modifier: The number to multiply the base rarity by to produce a modified rarity for night
# For more information visit: ... nofPsyduck

"*info*" {

A friend is hosting a little privat server and he has pixelmon inside of the config but if he alters them it just isnt altered in the game as you can see by sop check. It would be nice to know if you tested it and it worked or if everyone has this issue. Pixelmon is just unplayable without this mod for me :-(
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By MoeBoy76
#164394 there are some invalid biomeIDs, it seems that they may have been removed in 1.8, i will revise the biome.csv
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By bhoqure
#164432 Freizitpark - if you want all the pokemon in it start the server delete that config and then in the console or server if your op, do /sop reload. It reloads the config and thats how i fixed that.

MoeBoy76 - Could i ask which biomes were invalid? because the one i was using was (4) forest, and i doubt they removed that lol
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By MoeBoy76
#164440 i took a look at the code and it seems like 1.8 was almost written entirely from scratch, i made sure i had the latest BoP in my dev environment and there are only about half of the biomes there were in 1.7 and below, what i have done is added a check that ignores unregistered biomeIDs and prints them to the fml-client/server-latest.log but not console, a new build should be out soon