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By MagnaCharge
#162581 Hello Pixelmon Staff/Devs,
I would like to say thank you. To each of you, you work without hearing a thank you from most players and do this for our entertainment. Many mod creators may have this issue. Personally I wouldn't know, however I thought I bring it up because of the recent news post of Notch.

I wanted you to know that I appreciate your work. You were never required to do this but yet you did. I guess the real question I should ask is Why? Heh.

Thank you.

Now one question everyone has wondered at one point is.
How do you make a pixelmon?
Of course you had models and move sets but what all goes into it?
And a bunch of coding.... But you know what I mean. How do you make it all clikc like 1 giant clock.


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By MrMasochism
#162620 How do we add a pixelmon?

The answer these days is reasonably simply. Early on I got all the code and data in place so that the job now is fairly trivial code-side. Inside pixelmon the mod we don't make a separate class for each pokemon, rather each pokemon is an instance of our generic EntityPixelmon class which has everything in it to customise each instance to fit to whichever pokemon is being made, abilities, stats, moves, ai and everything else is loaded up when an entity is created out of the database.

With that in place all we need to do to add a pokemon is create the smd files for the model and animation, create one class inside pixelmon which links those smds together and sorts out animation speeds and scaling size for the model and then add an entry to the global pokemon index to say that pokemon is now in the game.

Thanks for your support