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By jmh44
#162125 So chances are if you've played this mod you know what they are, i liked making them in my SP worlds and making large scale ones on smaller populated servers. However, i'm playing in 1.7.10 version of the mod right now because that seems what most servers are still on. And the farms simply just don't work, when i had a cobble platform i had tons spawning. I'm testing now but i'm not sure how this could be fixed, or maybe pixelmon farms are just gone forever, if you do know of a good boss farm that still works, please link me a picture, video, or just give me the general idea below

By jmh44
#162126 Just tested this for a while and here's what i got


This was the BEST possible case, the ground below the farm was glassed over so there was no where to spawn besides on the spawn pads that i had created. Not sure how to get around this :/