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By Theviper1746
#159824 When i start a new world it lags so it takes a long time when i choose a pokemon and even when I'm playing it lags and i can't do anything if anyone can help please tell me what i need to do to stop it lagging

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By JamieS1211
#160113 Are you on a 64 bit machine? If so are you using java 64 bit? How much RAM have you assigned to the java process? Using 64 bit java and about 2GB ram for pixelmon is usually good for me. It will also depend on if you have a good computer and video card to start with
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By KyoSohma
#160118 Also if you are playing 1.8 do you have other mods installed, I have found that custom npcs for 1.8 does not like minecraft very much and makes it a lot more laggy, and it may be an issue with others as well