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By gamerdude16
#157872 Hey guys I'm so sorry if this has been asked a thousand times or something, I've just been away from the community for so long, but I was wondering if plugins from bukkit or spigot still work with this mod? Couple months ago I heard bukkit stopped development or something... I'm not really sure on anything. Thanks!

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By Some Body
#157874 If you want to use Bukkit/Spigot/Cauldron/whatever, you're stuck on Minecraft 1.7.10 and Pixelmon 3.4 as that's as far as development went on these platforms before the whole legal disaster. If you want to use Minecraft 1.8 and the up-to-date Pixelmon version, you'll have to switch to Sponge.
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By MoeBoy76
#157882 You can use the Sponge plugin Pore to load bukkit plugins but it doesn't work fully yet
By gamerdude16
#157892 So are most of the pixelmon servers that are out right now using sponge or are they using 1.7.10?

EDIT: Also I've been trying to look for buildtools for 1.7.10 but they seem to have taken them down and only have 1.8 versions on there... Where would I get that? Thanks