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By Newtrainer0101
#153976 Hey guys. I've been trying to find a way to make certain towns safe for new players with just starters. I've been having a frustrating time of being attacked by wild pixelmon and losing immediately because of the level difference. I want to make certain areas safe or even have only pixelmon of a certain level in that area. Is there any way to do this?

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By Some Body
#153977 You can turn off wild Pokémon engaging players in the config.

If you want to get more creative than that, you can set the "starting area" as a biome that doesn't generate naturally (Extreme Hills Edge/Frozen Ocean) and use Spawn of Psyduck or database editing to define which Pokémon can spawn in that biome.
By Shuyin76
#154022 Another way is to desactivate all pokemon spawn in the configuration file and make the spawn with the pokemon spawner (you can have it in creative mode). You can make great adventure maps like this but I think it will be difficult for an open world map.
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By mattdorman
#154026 What I did for my server was put a pixel spawners near town that produce very low level pokemon... Enough of them spawn, and it limits the higher level agressive pokemon (although doesn't remove them entirely)