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By Gershon
#153810 Has anyone managed to successfully run a Pixelmon 4 server with the ongoing Bukkit issues? I'm not sure if people are just running protocol hacks or actual 1.8 Cauldron / Sponge servers.

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By VinceOrlando
Gershon wrote:Has anyone managed to successfully run a Pixelmon 4 server with the ongoing Bukkit issues? I'm not sure if people are just running protocol hacks or actual 1.8 Cauldron / Sponge servers.

You won't be able to run bukkit plugins on sponge, two different api's, so the bukkit plugins will not work.
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By VinceOrlando
#153822 Nah they are still being updated and worked on, but they can not be sold and the team is no longer working on server jars past 1.8
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By MrMasochism
#153823 Bukkit is not dead thanks to microsoft. A lot of bukkit plugins are being ported over to sponge. Some are already done
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By Burt94
#153825 I see... All i'm aware of is that Cauldron is no longer "a thing" because of what's going on with bukkit. I suppose that is why I say bukkit is dead. I haven't ran a non-modded bukkit server in a very long time. So, I suppose I don't really think about normal bukkit.
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By Jay113355
#154075 I'm running a 4.0.3 server. but its forge only, however, i ported most the plugins i had back in 1.7, to forge so id say I'm not doing too bad.

and the hard part about a 1.8/4.0.3 is mostly the bugs and not the lack of plugins.
By Gershon
#154427 How did you port Bukkit plugins to Forge? Aren't both of of those API's totally different? And what about the big plugins like Towny, mcMMO, Multiverse, Chestshop etc
By prodkid
#154445 Theres bridges that allow bukkit plugin to work on sponge like pore found here but its still in early development.
Rewriting bukkit in forge or sponge isn't that terrible of a task, if you have the knowledge, it's doable.