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By urbymine
#151576 i found out that breeding machines are only usable to the person who placed it down. is there any way to get around this for adventure servers? we want people to be able to breed their pokemon and the first idea was to set up basic breeding zones for the ditto breeding but that seems like it won't work now.
so does that mean for a person to breed in adventure mode, the only way he's able to is when a staff changes his gamemode for him to place down his own breeder and change him back?

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By urbymine
#151753 i had initially thought it would work similar to a ender chest, everyone could use them, but they can't take other people's items, eggs in this case, only flaw i saw in that is that the breeding zones could get overcrowded without limitations, but i'm glad that you guys are working on a multyplayer system. it would be great to have the current breeding system just so more then 1 person can use the breeder.