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By ImperialGaming
you may want to go read this:

You can use still use mcpc if you still have the cauldron libraries..
YES! it is closed. but some people still run modded -bukkit server with cauldron..
I can give you the link if you reply back :).. (NO ADFLY) as a respect.

Ref imgs:

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By MoeBoy76
ImperialGaming wrote:You can use still use mclc if you still have the cauldron libraries..
I can give you the link if you reply back :).. (NO ADFLY) as a respect.

OP wants to use plugins and mods using minecraft 1.8 and cauldron stopped before updating to 1.8, partly cos the owner/lead developer is a co-owner/project lead/head developer of Sponge ("The Official Server of Pixelmon")