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By OneCryptickilla
#146626 Hello. I don't have an actual pokemon game to test this on, only pixelmon. I was wondering what exactly, in Pokemon, happens when a pokemon faints. Does the game straight up end after damage calculations for the move that ended it such as recoils and damage done, or does it kill the pokemon, go to endphase, calculate poison/burn, then determine winner? I'm wondering because in Pixelmon, in a gym challenge on one of our networks servers, a tie was induced via poison damage and after looking up rules competitively on ties, I could only find the Self-KO clause to reference, which has nothing to do with ties induced this way leading me to believe that in an actual Pokemon game, you CAN'T induce ties this way. But I don't know for sure. I know that in X and Y plus, you can't even tie anymore, but assuming we're going by B & W 2 down, is this possible in regular Pokemon to tie via toxic/burn