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By ChocolateChoo
#145361 So, Im making a Pixelmon server but I realised that the only useful HM is fly.
Im not good at code and I have a horrid memory, I would probably forget how to code after a week. So, what if someone created a Pixelmon Sidemod that actually makes the HMs functional?

A mod where you cant go into water unless you ride a Pixelmon with surf! A mod where they add 2 new blocks, Prickly Sapling and Rock. These blocks can only be destroyed if a Pixelmon you have has Cut or Strength. But it is only destroyed for the original user! The blocks stay there for everyone else unless they broke it already!

Like I said before, im no coder but this Mod would be amazing!

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By Tahlavos17
#145367 I'm neutral about this idea. I just like the idea of using the hms the right way but also it ruins certain minecraft ideas. so those are my thoughts.
By TheGameAce
#145369 It has a good idea about it, almost something I was thinking about recently. Make the HMs, or at least some of them, useful. I think it would be interesting adding a feature where you have to have surf to surf in specific areas, let dive take your character underwater in deep enough areas where you can breathe and see clearly too, and make certain areas impassable to flying to until you have been there before. A lot of stuff like that could be interesting and fun, especially to map makers who want to make things more adventurous.

I personally would love to see a feature or sidemod where you can select regions (maybe a plugin?) and set certain areas for specific pokemon to spawn in, including spawn rates, and be able to set rare legendary spawn points with conditions to be met. If you piled all that stuff together with more uses from HMs, you could really have something cool. Whether it would be a plugin, a side-mod, or part of the actual mod if the idea is accepted, I have no clue, but I do think the idea is cool still.
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By MoeBoy76
#145401 if you had looked in the suggestion tracker you would know that i'm working on doing this minus the swimming thing cos i've seen that be done already, the difficulty is in making the blocks disappear only for the player that used the move and then when to make it "reappear"
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By JeanMarc
#145405 Unless this was fixed recently, a workaround to require people to have surf to go on the water is to set a worldguard barrier right before a water spot so they can't manually go through and pixelmon riding allows people to go through those barriers, so by surfing the player should be able to get through no problem.