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By MashTR
#145062 Hello,

I've been playing pixelmon on a normal server with my friends but there's a problem, we don't have the Mesa/Savanna biomes (maybe more, but those are the 2 I can think about now).

Now, we're playing with Forge 1.7.1 and Pixelmon 3.8.
I noticed that the Mesa/Savanna biomes were added in 1.7.2, but Pixelmon 3.8 requires us to use 1.7.1.

What I'm asking is, is there any workaround to this so we can play with those biomes on 1.7.1 or can we use 1.7.2 with 3.8?

Thanks for reading.

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By MoeBoy76
#145065 you are obviously confused and are missing numbers from your versions, here's a few things to clarify:
1) pixelmon 3.3.9 is the latest version
2) pixelmon 3.3.x versions are for minecraft 1.7.10
3) if you can't find a specific biome then that means you just got a seed that doesn't have them very often