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By PokeBlitz
#144208 Hello,

On my server I have used custom trainers as Gym Leaders, the problem is they keep randomly despawning and then I need to spend another 1/2 hour re-making them. Does anyone have a way that I can stop them from despawning?

OrthadoxSniper :-D

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By SnowBlitzz
#144230 What plugins do you have installed? (If there is any)

If there's none, I don't think they despawn unless you do /kill all or something
By katman098
#144261 The thing is with NPC trainers that they keep despawning if someone goes out of their range. It is almost imposible to keep players in the range at all times so I suggest just using real players as gym leaders (They won't be around 24/7, but you won't need to remake them :P ).