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By RedstoneBiten
#142477 Hi! I'm in a rush right now i need a modded bukkit jar or something like that a jar that makes so you can add plugins AND mods!


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By Jephon
#142479 You won't get that here. Modded jars are not allowed to be distributed last I checked. They contain Mojang/Microsoft intellectual property.

Best bet? Do it yourself. Watching a youtube video and making one should take 15 mins or so, max. once you get good at it, you could do it in only a couple mins.

If you cannot figure out how to do this, I would suggest rethinking running a server in the first place. Not to be mean or anything but server ownership requires you to be able to figure stuff like this out.
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By OmegaXI5
#142480 Not really sure what you meant there but as for the thing related to adding bukkit plugins and mods, preferable to use MCPC Cauldron; Acts similar to forge but adds bukkit plugin support with forge mods. Comes with its own custom jar.

As again i didn't understand the question so sorry if i got it off-topic there.