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By Ren
#142356 I was just curious about Pixelmon Extra's massive memory consumption.
Without the mod, my server runs its full course of 8 hours until the server restart with 4gbs of free memory.
When the Pixelmon Extra's mod is installed and in place, in 2 hours our server is at an 88% memory usage peak and settling between 1-2gbs of free memory, sometimes even as low as 500mbs.

It does seem to be an issue with the mod itself, considering the issue is solved when it is not installed.

Is anyone else having these issues? Is there a reason for such a large difference in memory usage? Is there a way to solve this issue? I really enjoy this mod pack, its features, commands - etc and would like to continue to use it.

Thanks for your time. :-)

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By Ren
#142358 Like what about the mod is consuming memory? Cause the memory issues are defiantly the mod itself. When the mod isnt installed, our memory is fine and floats at 4gbs like normal. But once its installed and running, the server struggles at about 1.5gbs until the memory displayed in console climbs to 100% and dies.
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By bosvan2014
Ren wrote:That was more specific, thanks.

Sarcasm makes everything better.
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By Ren
#142364 What about my reply was sarcasm?
He actually answered my above statement to prodkid:
"Like what about the mod is consuming memory? "

I wasn't sure if prodkid was asking me to use a profiler to find out what about my server as a whole was causing memory issues/leaks OR to use a profiler to see what about the mod was causing issues.