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By MrMasochism
#141405 When we started pixelmon the point was not to integrate it with base minecraft mobs, it was planned as a total conversion. Our feeling was that minecraft mobs broke the feel of the game far more than anything else. It would also take a massive amount of rewriting to get them to fight each other well
By scout109
MrMasochism wrote:When we started pixelmon the point was not to integrate it with base minecraft mobs, it was planned as a total conversion. Our feeling was that minecraft mobs broke the feel of the game far more than anything else. It would also take a massive amount of rewriting to get them to fight each other well

I guess it is not as simple as giving the pixelmon you have out the AI/Damage of a wolf while not in combat with other pixelmon, or is it? Being a coder myself it seems easy to me, I dont really believe that you have to rewrite your whole mod to get that to work.

None the less keep up the good work...
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By MrMasochism
#141427 it would have to be a custom ai but that's not the main issue, the main issue is around the targetting systems used by the hostile mobs which means getting in there and reworking their ai. Basically we've never thought it worth it. There are far better things we could do with our time