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By Daylyte
#140968 Just downloaded 3.3.4 and every time I try to connect to a server, I keep getting the same error code : "Kicked whilst connecting to hub: Mod rejections [FMLMod:pixelmon{3.3.3}]" Anyone know what my problem is and how to fix it?

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By TheMiggyDgz
#140970 That simply means that the server(s) you are trying to join have not yet updated to Pixelmon 3.3.4. Just wait them out, they'll update soon.
By Branzy
#140993 In a server i play we updates to 3.3.4 and we have the same problem some ppl are having dat issue . I'm trying to find a way ..
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#140995 if the server updated last night, the server needs to reupdate by redownloading 3.3.4
if it updated recently (so... today) you need to redownload 3.3.4
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By SonofGaea
#141693 hey I am having trouble with pixelmon working. I downloaded it and followed the instructions to have the same forge but it only says that for is working and says 3 of 3 mods downloaded. why is it not letting pixelmon show or work? any ideas on what i am doing wrong?
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By JamieS1211
#141716 Is pixelmon in the mods folder of the profiles minecraft directory
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By SnowBlitzz
#141759 A possibility could be that the download corrupted. Check the pixelmon mod file size to see if it is correct.