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By dyinghere
#140370 What are the details? I'm getting awfully impatient and I don't know if I'm doing it wrong. Do steps taken count as blocks traveled or can a person just run around in circles and have that work?

What about flying/swimming/minecarts etc? For example, if I build a circle out of rails and just afked for a while, will that count to hatching the egg or not?

{I actually tried and it doesn't seem to be working but it's also the mystery pokemon and I assume it'll take a looooong time to hatch.

Is there a way to know how many 'steps' it would take for each individual pokemon? The guide isn't all that informative on the actual egg-hatching part of breeding, it's all about getting the two pokemon to breed, so I didn't know where else to look.

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By MrMasochism
#140371 'steps' are measured by distance travelled though I believe it also checks for riding (could be wrong on that) and doesn't count it. Steps for individual pokemon are taken from the official sources so bulbapedia is a good place to look
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By dyinghere
#140373 Thank you! Looks like I built a silly little track for nothing then. So flying or swimming on a pokemon probably wouldn't work either? Since technically that's riding, right?
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By MoeBoy76
#140374 i turned egg cycles down to 1 and a mukip hatched while i was flying up in creative, so it's per block movement in any dimension/direction
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By dyinghere
#140377 Alright! Looks like I just have a lot of moving to do haha. I knocked a 0 off the ticks for the levels because I didn't want to make it go by too fast but it's still pretty dang slow pff. Thanks for all the help!