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By Funnybunnyofdoom
#139236 Hello, my name is Funnybunnyofdoom. After some forum crawling, and reading the ToS, I have not come to a conclusion for my request. Pixelmon is no longer open source, but I would like to pursue the ability to release a 1.7 modpack including Pixelmon.

I am in the process of obtaining permission for all other mods involved, and pixelmon so far is the biggest roadblock. However, pixelmon is the most important mod to include for me. I know that redistribution is prohibited in mod packs, but I would like permission to do so for an FTB modpack.

I am creating this modpack as a custom FTB modpack for the Paradox server hub.
the hub can be found at a link at the end of this post. I am not a staff member, however, I have received permission to launch this pack, if I have proof of permission from all of the mod owners, and creators.

I appreciate all input and help in fulfilling my request. Thank you very much, and I hope to be able to release a modpack involving machinery, pixelmon and many other fun mods very soon!

If this is an inappropriate place for this post, please inform me, and I will post in the correct location.

Paradox server hub;

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By MrMasochism
#139261 It is one of pixelmon's very few conditions that all downloads come through this site. For that reason we don't allow it to be distributed in mod packs
By citrusella
#139410 This actually brings of a very good question (though it has probably been asked before) there are mod-launchers that do not actually use mods hosted on an external server but instead download from a link given in the modpack.

If i was to set up such a mod pack (it links to the download on the pixelmon site, not to a file on a server outside of it) would this be within the Terms of Service?
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#139413 No, we ask the mod to be downloaded from our site by the user incase they run into issues and can report back to us, we don't allow mod packs not because we hate them, but because we want to hear all issues users come across so we can fix them over time.

If the reasoning for this has changed, then someone will correct me