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By BraegisRaugn
#138461 So, I'm a good n00b and I did my searching first. If there's a topic to this effect, I didn't find it. Here goes.

I'll preface with - I have no idea how to write a mod. I don't the boundaries or limitations. I've been looking for a decent way to get some sort of forge-based economy that operates off of player wins v. npc trainers and I just haven't managed to find a solution. There's a bunch of mods that would handle this beautifully, the only problem being that I've no clue how to get them to respond to the event.

Has anyone had any luck here, strictly in forge? And is there a mod out there that acts as a hook, listening for user defined events and executing user defined commands in response, acting as a bridge sort of?

Sorry if this is dumb, but I'm out of ideas.