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By magilla96
#138338 So guys is it a bad idea to try the beta out? Because i'm super excited for this update. You guys did a amazing job.

By TenderGlitch
#138339 It has a few bugs but it is definitely worth it!

As you may know they have added a breeding station which is just amazing although one of the glitches involves the eggs not hatching

if you are exited for it but don't want to have a buggy version of pixelmon then don't get it but they have narrowed down alot of the bugs and even more as we speak.

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By JamieS1211
#138341 It is fine to use it on single player but I wouldn't use it on a server yet. Big issues with the new pokeballs.
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By JamieS1211
magilla96 » 05 Oct 2014 15:38 wrote:Thanks for the information! I got it downloaded and ready to play. I'm so excited

If you move the 3.2.9 jar out of the mods folder and put in 3.3.0 you can play 3.3.0 . When you want to change back you can just swap the files back. I personally use folders within the mods folder to keep all the pixelmon versions that are not being used. You can also install pixelmon into different ".minecraft" folders and then use the profiles feature in the minecraft launcher to chose what version of pixelmon you are using based on the selected profile.
By mcstreet
#138362 The egg always hatchs for me its just depends on how far i run in minecraft
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By JustRickolo
#138370 Do you use it in single player or on a server, as far as I tested stuff, its very buggy on servers.
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By Burgy
#138372 My verdict is that it is not a stable releases and bugs should be expected. And the whole reason that you are able to download the beta is so that you can help the team spot the bugs and have them fixed in VCS so if you don't mind a few crashes and nonsensical things happening in your game; go ahead and try out all the new features! But watch out for those nasty bugs.

If you're looking for a finely-tuned-polished-product you had better just stick to stable releases. Haha

(Also, posting your bugs in the support tracker helps us all alot)