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By Eldari
#138172 I have a parkour area with a master chest at the top, I have disallowed /back, /tpa, /tpahere, but how can I prevent someone with fly from using a pixelmon to get to the top?

Also, I want to implement summoned horses with upgradeable armor. I have riding disallowed but flying and surfing allowed. Can I disallow just flying and leave surf enabled?

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By Some Body
#138173 If you have riding disabled then you can't fly or surf on anything anyway. If you want surfing but not flying, you'll have to modify the database and disable riding on all Pokémon that can fly.

If you're referring to vanilla Minecraft horses, Pixelmon mounting settings shouldn't have any effect on them.
By Eldari
Some Body » 01 Oct 2014 15:55 wrote:If you have riding disabled then you can't fly or surf on anything anyway. If you want surfing but not flying, you'll have to modify the database and disable riding on all Pokémon that can fly.

If you're referring to vanilla Minecraft horses, Pixelmon mounting settings shouldn't have any effect on them.

Yea I guess I wasn't very clear there, I was on my phone and typing as little as possible. I have riding enabled, IF they have the TM's. But I only want riding enabled for water types that can learn surf. I do not want them riding flying or ground pokemon, they can use the horses for transportation.

That being said, Where would I go within the jar to begin making them unuseable?

Also, were pokesee and compsee taken out? Im finding references to them on other sites but nothing on the wiki
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By Some Body
#138176 These pokesee and compsee commands do not come with the mod; they are custom commands made by others.

As for database editing, discussing how to do it is a touchy subject here so you'll have to figure it out yourself.