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By Burgy
MoeBoy76 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:06 am wrote:why can't you use NBTEdit which works fine and doesn't require you to type really long commands?
(basically what the above post says)

Guessing by the last line, he has a web shop for donators and he wants to add NBTEdited Pixelmon to his shop. So that won't work either unless he wants to do it by hand for each player :(
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By shadoowner
Burgy » 12 Sep 2014 15:35 wrote:
MoeBoy76 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:06 am wrote:why can't you use NBTEdit which works fine and doesn't require you to type really long commands?
(basically what the above post says)

Guessing by the last line, he has a web shop for donators and he wants to add NBTEdited Pixelmon to his shop. So that won't work either unless he wants to do it by hand for each player :(

His only option will be doing it by hand for each player, I have done that too and from my experience most servers wont get so many donations that they cant keep up with this system.