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By EmperorEhryn
#136816 Not talking about directly interfering with pixelmon or anything to make finding legendaries or shinies easier and such.

Just the experience itself

Liiiike I just put Skyline mod on and got a mobile base now basically. It's actually pretty epic when trying to find things in certain biomes. PC and all that Jazz on the go.

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By JamieS1211
#136831 Not sure if shaders counts for you however in my opinion it makes everything look and feel more interesting.
By KumaZone
#136881 i once tried using Thaumcraft, Bonica, and the Touhou Items Mod all at once with pixelmon, but it was too much going on all at once and got really cluttered (and laggy). a friend of mine tried to set up a server with skymall and i thought it fit better, can anyone recommend any technological/modern style furniture mods? i heard that crayfish mod is pretty popular and it looks pretty smooth!