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By DarkCatalyst
#136609 Was wondering if their was a way to set it up that Certain Pokemon will only spawn in certain locations with certain levels like they would in the game as well a way to block players from going passed an certain point without earning a badge. or having a special item?

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By bobbanana09
#136612 Server sign warps - use the item price to check for the badge then give them the badge back and warp them for the blocks, as for the pokemon spawning Pokemon Spawners should do the trick.
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By JamieS1211
DarkCatalyst » 02 Sep 2014 00:04 wrote:Was wondering if their was a way to set it up that Certain Pokemon will only spawn in certain locations with certain levels like they would in the game as well a way to block players from going passed an certain point without earning a badge. or having a special item?

If you set a biome to sky or hell no pokemon will spawn. Then you can use pixelmon spawners to spawn in the pokemon.