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By OneCryptickilla
#136584 Hello. So on our server, for no apparent reason, items changed everywhere. Running shoes became berries, our shops potions became incense and gems. Was this caused by the update somehow? We updated a week ago. Are there any pluggins or hacks that could have caused this? Things we also recently added: Multiworld, BetterAlias', ServerSigns. This is just such an unusual and drastic change that we have no idea what could have caused this.

Update: We loaded in a multiworld from a single player world that was created in 3.2.6. For some reason, loading that into a multiworld on our server forced item id's to change. Did item id's change in the last version of pixelmon to this one? I think they didnt update on our world for some reason and loading in this multiworld forced them all to update.

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By JamieS1211
#136589 Forge assigns item ids dynamically now. On starting your server the item ids will be stated. I am guessing that a new mod has been added to your server to change the assignment of item ID etc.
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By MoeBoy76
#136593 items should not become other items, as a player you should not care about them at all since items are known by their name, so unless their names got swapped (which wouldn't happen), some other thing has gone wrong.