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By GrantClark209
#136527 Hello, I just had a few questions about spawning in pokemon. So I was wondering, is there anything in the game that allows me to execute a command that specifies nature, pokeball, and size? If this is not hard-coded into the game, is there any way that a plugin might accomplish this? If so, how? Thanks to anyone who lends a hand :D

- Grant Clark (GlobalCreeper Founder)

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By JamieS1211
GrantClark209 » 31 Aug 2014 15:33 wrote:Hello, I just had a few questions about spawning in pokemon. So I was wondering, is there anything in the game that allows me to execute a command that specifies nature, pokeball, and size? If this is not hard-coded into the game, is there any way that a plugin might accomplish this? If so, how? Thanks to anyone who lends a hand :D

- Grant Clark (GlobalCreeper Founder)

There is no way to specify those parameters however you can change them via the NBT edit mod. They can however be specified via a side mod and I think it is technically possible to achieve it via a plugin but I will confirm with ModBoy.