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By JamieS1211
MrMasochism » 24 Aug 2014 23:08 wrote:There will be a fix to spawners coming out in a few minutes (maybe an hour or so)

Oh excellent! That may let me leapfrog updating to 3.2.4 forcing me to redo all my spawners. Wonder if you can shed light on the reason that the spawners have been acting in this odd way during updates? I am having fun editing my database at the moment. Though wailord needed shrinking a bit XD
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By MrMasochism
#136105 spawners were tied to an internal index which was being shifted by pokemon being added alphabetically. They'll now be tied to name but that won't fix your spawners from previous versions, it will just convert the current index over to a name when it first loads the spawner
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By JamieS1211
MrMasochism » 24 Aug 2014 23:24 wrote:spawners were tied to an internal index which was being shifted by pokemon being added alphabetically. They'll now be tied to name but that won't fix your spawners from previous versions, it will just convert the current index over to a name when it first loads the spawner

I knew it was some sort of alphabetical order! I am not so stupid after all. That sounds good, glad this can be all fixed up.