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By Syrius
#135882 Hi,

I'm having troubles for pixelmon latest version.
It's a bit slow when I use it with other mods, especially with optifine.

I'm trying to play with :
Pixelmon latest version,
Timber or Treecapitator,
the required core for Treecapitator and CrystalWings,

Can someone help me to make it work please ?

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By MoeBoy76
#135962 either you have optifine configured incorrectly, you don't need optifine cos your computer is good enough without it or it's just the fact that you added a new mod and that makes it slower
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By Syrius
#135966 I don't know, I think it's my installation that's wrong. I've tried with technic launcher and it went perfect, just I don't have shaders anymore, but it's ok