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By SCZero
#135870 Hi, there are some new information on about the upcomming 1.8 update:

It will be released on Tuesday, September 2nd and will change alot in the game. My question: What are you guys planning for this date? Will you continue on 1.7.10 for some time or will go straight over to 1.8?
I am interested, because 1.8 is a pretty big update for Minecraft. So maybe there will be much work to do in order to get Pixelmon working on 1.8 just like the update from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2.


By floh22
#135878 well first they have to wait for forge to update. Then once forge has a decent release they can start updating code as needed. I wouldn't expect a pixelmon release for 1.8 earlyer than a month after release
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By bobbanana09
#135948 It will come out when it comes out. That's really all there is to it.