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By Kyppie
#134028 Help! I am trying to use this on our multiplayer server. Currently I and one other person are Ops on the server. We put the mod on the server and then activated it. But now only we can use the mod! How do we let our no op people use the mod. We are not using anything but Minecraft, Pixelmon, and Forge!

We cant use Bukkit because it is not compatible with forge right now!

How do I give the other players permissions to use the mod?

By Vikerus
Kyppie » 04 Aug 2014 16:50 wrote:Help! I am trying to use this on our multiplayer server. Currently I and one other person are Ops on the server. We put the mod on the server and then activated it. But now only we can use the mod! How do we let our no op people use the mod. We are not using anything but Minecraft, Pixelmon, and Forge!

We cant use Bukkit because it is not compatible with forge right now!

How do I give the other players permissions to use the mod?

Use cauldron first off, and look for perms on startup in console. Just apply the right perms and you are good to go. Be sure to read all of the mods info if it has a readme or other wise.