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By Medivh
#133606 Hey guys!
I started a world using Lan with my friend and now I wanna play this worlld with him even when we are not sitting next to each other so I installed a Hamachiserver and put the worlds data in the world folder. The server works perfectly, but when I log myself on the Server I have to choose a new Starterpokemon, meaning my personal achievements in training and catching pokemon are away, can you help me so that the server connects me with my player data (I have watched the playerdata folder, he allways sets a new data in there when I log on the server, even when I delete that new file - leaving the 2 existings once, that must be the ones of me and my friend, untouched- the server will again give me Torchic and "reactivate" the deleted file (it has the same name))?
I hope that someone can help me.
