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By xAegizz
#132503 Hi. I would like to know if there is a way to spawn ALL pokemons on a server between lvl x and x (20 to 30 by example). So, can I do it? I tried using pixelmon spawners but im using a 2000x2000 surface to play. So, it's there any way to change the maximum radius of a pixelmon spawner?

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By Some Body
#132504 If you mean wild spawns, you can go in the database and change every Pokémon's spawn level range.

49 is as large as you can get for spawning radius.
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By KuroMakai
#132688 To change the database you first need to understand how to read it. There's a few tutorials out there. Once you get some basic know how, you open up the pixelmon jar and go to it's database file. Sadly you'll have to change every pokemon's information to get your desired effect.

If you do not wish to spend the time on this, then yes, you'll have quite the fun time planting spawners everywhere.